The text discusses the farewell address of Wilmar Schaufeli, a leading researcher on burnout.

Netflix's documentary "The Social Dilemma" highlights the dangers of social media.

What impact six months of working from home, initially focusing on productivity and engagement, has on your mental fitness.

The book ''Never Finished'' paints a picture of a constantly changing world over which we have less and less control.

The book "A Christmas Carol" by Charles Dickens is compared to the events of the past year.

It describes the challenges facing working parents during the lockdown, especially now that schools are closed.

How do you keep good intentions like Dry January, Vegan January and other resolutions?

The text describes the rise of the use of hallucinogens, and what do these drugs do?

Why a positive mindset matters during the corona period.

How are technological advances such as video calling affecting the way we work?

Working from home is often criticized but also has many proven benefits.

The corona crisis has transformed working from home from an exception to the norm.